Supporting England in the World Cup Like I've got time for a BlogSpot!!: Just not right

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28 September, 2005

Just not right

Some things just shouldn't be allowed, like this guy who photographed his own brain surgery.

4 people wanted to say something:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That can't be allowed! Isn't that site censored or something? What was wrong with him that he needed brain surgery?

10:57 pm, October 01, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know it's gross, but I'm sorry jenny. As it's not technically an adult image, we can't censor it here at

6:06 am, October 02, 2005

Blogger Menachem said...

why does flickr tech support read and comment on your blog?

4:45 pm, October 02, 2005

Blogger Shmuls said...

cos someone flagged my site because of it!! I got an e.mail from blogger accusing me of posting improper/adult images on a public site, so I told them to have a look at the site!! They must have checked with flickr that the pics were ok or something!

4:59 pm, October 02, 2005


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