Supporting England in the World Cup Like I've got time for a BlogSpot!!: Blitching

My life, wife and other goings on

28 June, 2005


Blogging is false

When people blog to bitch, they blog to get something off their chest. They're angry and pissed off and they want people to know it. But they can't tell real people. They're scared of real people. Real people have feelings, and can get hurt. Real people can get upset. Real people can get angry. Real people can answer back.

They can't vent, so they blog.

Blog's don't answer back.

Therefore, when it comes to the people they're closest to in life, and they find they can't bitch about them to their faces, or even behind their backs, they blog. People will happily slag off their nearest and dearest (e.g. best friends, spouses, siblings, parents, etc...) safe in the knowledge that as they haven't actually said anything to that person, they can't upset them. No confrontations with loved ones, no provoking those they care about, but at the same time they get to say what they think and how they feel. And no-one gets hurt.

But there is a fundamental flaw in blog bitching!
(can we call it blitching? - I think so)

Those same people that they went out of their way to avoid upsetting, those who they felt too close to want to fight with, are probably the only people who read their blogs in the first place!

"Surely," you should now be thinking "no one would be that stupid! People should know who reads their blog, and should have enough brains to know not to blitch about them over the internet!?!"
- And you'd be right.

Most bloggers realise their mistake half way through their blitch. It hits them like an epiphany, and for a second they're shocked by their own foolishness. But they've got to blitch about something, they're angry!

So they blitch about blitching itself.

How it unravels!

6 people wanted to say something:

Blogger 2R said...

i'm with you on that one. I would love to blitch on my blog, but my family is my number one readership and they know most of the personalities i'd like to blitch about...

12:57 am, June 30, 2005

Blogger Menachem said...

sarra, i don't think any other zacks' read this blog. feel free to bitch away

2:08 am, June 30, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:10 am, June 30, 2005

Blogger Shmuls said...

yeh sarr, let it all out!

2:15 am, June 30, 2005

Blogger Menachem said...

whats the matter, you get married and stop blogging?

11:59 am, July 17, 2005

Blogger Shmuls said...

yup, got better things to do

11:08 am, July 28, 2005


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