Supporting England in the World Cup Like I've got time for a BlogSpot!!: The Rules of Engagement

My life, wife and other goings on

21 June, 2005

The Rules of Engagement

In so many films today, we see our hero unsuspectingly walk into life changing situations. People on our silver screens are constantly being bitten by genetically modified arachnids, picking up the wrong briefcase/handbag, or momentarily returning to the office for a forgotten item when their own life changing moment comes and slaps them round the back of the head.

My impending big life change however, has not been that subtle.
I’ve see it coming for about four months now.

In the space of a few days in July, I am getting married, moving to Israel, starting a new university, and beginning a struggle with a bureaucracy that I wouldn’t understand even if I did speak the language. And the hay-fever doesn’t help.

I’m excited, I’m scared, I’m anxious, but most of all, I can’t wait!

Sit back and enjoy the ride...

1 people wanted to say something:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Going to miss you! Good luck...sit back and enjoy every moment!!

2:16 am, June 30, 2005


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