Supporting England in the World Cup Like I've got time for a BlogSpot!!: Confessions of an IKEA addict

My life, wife and other goings on

11 September, 2005

Confessions of an IKEA addict

Hi, my name is Shmuli, I am a 21 year old male, and I have a confession.

For the last 8 weeks I have been happily married to a beautiful and amazing woman, who I would do anything for. However, I think I am slowly falling in love with a retail warehouse.

You see, about a week ago my wife and I put down a deposit on a new apartment in Givat Shmuel. As we needed to furnish it ourselves, we started looking at the Israeli IKEA catalogue for ideas. And that's when the problems began...

THEY HAVE EVERYTHING THERE!! And I don't just mean tables and chairs! Oh no, they have chopping boards, bathroom mirrors, clocks, toothbrush cups, even those squidgy things Israeli's use to clean the inside of the shower, EVERYTHING!! And it's all so funky and colourful!


The problem is, I think my wife knows. As I was lying in bed the other night, I heard a faint tapping sound. Not sure what it was, I crept into our main room, only to find my wife on the internet - LOOKING AT THE NEW CATALOGUE!!

She said she was only browsing, but I don't believe her.
Does that make me a bad person?

5 people wanted to say something:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear you brother. When my partner and I moved to our new home six moths ago we lived in IKEA for two days

2:14 pm, September 11, 2005

Blogger Seth said...

maybe you should change "a Blogspot" to "ulpan."

3:17 pm, September 12, 2005

Blogger Shmuls said...

Hm, not a bad idea actually...

9:41 am, September 13, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I confess!!

10:54 pm, September 13, 2005

Anonymous כוכב הגינה said...

I admit I love IKEA but I like to buy from gardenplanet

1:40 pm, June 24, 2013


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