Supporting England in the World Cup Like I've got time for a BlogSpot!!: Caffeine makes you poo

My life, wife and other goings on

20 September, 2005

Caffeine makes you poo

Sometimes the title of a post can say so much you don't feel the need to write anything more in the post itself.

It does, by the way.

3 people wanted to say something:

Blogger Menachem said...

i don't think it's caffeine that does it. i think it's the coffee. coke, tea and chocolate make you poo?

12:34 pm, September 20, 2005

Blogger Shmuls said...

No, I'm pretty sure it's caffeine.
Plus, that's just a silly title

12:46 pm, September 20, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ill be in Raanana during most of October, so if you're in Herzliya then give me a call.

btw, it's true about coffee

8:32 am, September 22, 2005


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