Supporting England in the World Cup Like I've got time for a BlogSpot!!: Like I've got time to move house!!

My life, wife and other goings on

20 October, 2005

Like I've got time to move house!!

Psychologists have proven that the second most stressful experience a person can go through in their life is moving house. Here in the LIGTFAB family however, we’ve never been happy with second place when in comes to psychological norms. So we tried to find the short time in which my wife has her last exams, I start my new university and is just over the chagim, and decided to move then. Genius.

To expound:
It’s not just my wife’s exams, it’s her moed bet, her “second chance” exams, as she spent the first lot marrying me. So she really has to do well in these.
And I’m not just starting a new university, I’m taking the 5 week, 80 hour super-intense prep course, which I need to pass to stay here. So no pressure there then.
And It’s not just over the chagim - when the entire country decides to close for a month and traffic is at its all time worst - it’s over the few weeks in the year in which a myriad of friends and family come out to Israel, who we just have to see.
And it’s raining - great.

In short, I really don’t have time for a blogspot.

1 people wanted to say something:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

But there's always time for blogging! Particularly now that we all want to know how your wife's exams are going and what the new university is like! Good luck!

11:29 pm, May 07, 2006


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